Config example files
List of Radios
- See content above.
General Info
In this section you find ADDITIONAL configurations from other users which they have used on their radio. You can add your configuration file here, but make sure:
- to enter the right name and radio id
- to double check the config options
- to add some comments
To add a configuration easily to your radio, you can do the following using (copy and paste):
- telnet your radio and remount the partition writable ("mount / -orw,remount")
- cd hwconfig
- backup your config file: "cp configXXX.txt configXXX_backup.txt" where XXX is your radio ID
- open your file with "vi configXXX.txt"
- move the cursor one line behind last Option-entry in the file and press "a" to start the insert-mode in vi.
- mark the config-file text from here and right-click the cursor in the telnet app "putty.exe". This should insert the whole marked text
- double check if the text was inserted properly, especially check the beginning and end, if there is no letter missing
- press "escape" to leave the insert-mode
- press ":w" to save the changes
- press ":q" to quit the editor
- unpower your radio, power it again and hope that it turns on and you did all right.
dnt ipdio style (Radio ID: 752)
Option: contrast-menu on Option: back-as-menu-item on Option: off-in-main-menu on Option: pbch-report-enabled off Option: long-select-action popup Option: usb-thumbdrive on Option: thumbdrive-power-connector 2 Option: thumbdrive-power-pin 30 Option: local-media on Option: reply-button-function on Option: bookmarks on Option: bookmark-on-long-select on Option: preset-confirmation-popup on Option: graphical-clock off Option: clock-screen-format banner/clock/date Option: clock-format-menu on Option: bitmap-clock 64x64 /usr/share/reciva/clockdata.bin Option: split-alarm-icons on Option: aux-menu on Option: volume-control on Option: initial-volume 28 Option: reply-button-exits-spinner on
With those options you add the following things to your radio:
- A working equalizer menu
- A working contrast menu. This is important as the standard contrast is set to high and causes problems! Set it to 10.
- When doing a substring search, prssing "reply" does the same and srolling to "END"
- You get rid of the "REAL ENABLED" string
- You get a 3-line-standby display instead of the big clock. Setting "graphical-clock" to "on", you have a analogue clock displayed
- Every of the five alarms has its own icon
- "back" and "off" are now also menu items
- the local-media option is active, so when you unscrew your radio and insert a usb hub with usb data stick, you can listen to mp3s on it
- reply button saves the current station to the "MyStreams"-Database
- you have local bookmarks in addition the the "MyStreams" favorites.
Tested on dnt ipdio with firmware 756-a-122.
By: gforums.
Logik IR100 (Radio ID: 1012)
NOTE 1: This is a FULL config file for replacement. Delete all option-entrys from the old config-files and then insert this. You can delete a line in "vi" pressing twice the "d"-key. Do that until all option-entrys (and not more than these!!) are removed. Note 2: Using the firmware 257-a-756-a-205 with these settings. Older firmwares should do it as well.
include all_radios.txt Option: stereo-mode-menu on Option: stereo-mode stereo Option: backlight-level-standby 2 Option: backlight-level-inactive 4 Option: upnp on Option: media-player on # --------------------------------- # Please note: on newer firmwares, # use the initial-volume-mb setting # (try which works better, I use it # with the 257-a-756-a-205 fw) # on older firmwares, use the old # initial-volume setting. # --------------------------------- Option: initial-volume-mb 0 # Option # initial-volume # 28 Option: volume-control off Option: user-interface multi-line Option: alarm-clock config1 Option: stations-history on Option: history-size 20 Option: stations-substring-search on Option: sleep-timer-increment 300 Option: clock-dst-menu on Option: number-of-alarms 5 Option: back-as-menu-item on Option: presets-as-menu-items on Option: off-in-main-menu on Option: force-metadata on Option: reset-clock on Option: usb-thumbdrive on Option: thumbdrive-power-connector 2 Option: thumbdrive-power-pin 30 Option: local-media on Option: reply-button-exits-spinner on Option: pbch-report-enabled off
With those options you add the following things to your radio:
- A very very useful search function. When you once have it activated, you won't miss it anylonger.
- When doing a substring search, prssing "reply" does the same and srolling to "END"
- You get rid of the "REAL ENABLED" string
- "back" and "off" are now also menu items
- the local-media option is active, so when you unscrew your radio and insert a usb hub with usb data stick, you can listen to mp3s on it
- reply button saves the current station to the "MyStreams"-Database (#1)
- you have local bookmarks in addition the the "MyStreams" favorites.
- Radio saves a history of the last played stations
- Take care of the setting "initial-volume". Reciva seems to have changed the volume handling with newer firmwares. With the wrong setting, the radio will be not as loud as with the right setting.
- #1 NOTE: in some firmware configuration, you have to edit the file "all_radios_common.txt". Here the option "reply-button-function" is set to off. You need to change that to "on".
Tested on LOGIK IR100 with firmware 756-a-205.
By: gforums.
Intempo GX-01 (Radio ID: 761 & 985)
The settings need to be added to config761.txt (config985.txt for older Intempos) - do not simply replace the file.
# make mute work Option: aud-soft-mute-in-adrvg on # stops nasty clicking between tracks Option: dynamic-mute off # add search to Stations menu Option: stations-substring-search on # better alarm options - not just the default buzzer Option: alarm-clock config1 # 12/24 hour selection Option: clock-format-menu on Option: number-of-alarms 5 # put alarm clock in main menu Option: clock-in-config-menu off # remove REAL ENABLED - not needed in later firmwares Option: pbch-report-enabled off # really useful Option: long-browse-press-clears-media-queue on # remove one track from queue - really useful Option: long-stop-deletes-track on # this menu is not needed now we can set the default dem value. # earlier firmwares do not save the dem value and you need to set it to 0 with this menu after each reboot. #Option: #deemphasis-menu #on #Option: #deemphasis-menu-values #0 44100 Option: reply-button-function on Option: presets-as-menu-items on # add My History to My Stuff menu Option: stations-history on Option: history-size 50 # 5 min increments to sleep timer Option: sleep-timer-increment 300 # add option to resync clock in clock menuu Option: reset-clock on # useful to tell that you're at the bottom of a menu. Option: back-as-menu-item on # so I don't suddenly lose my place looking for stuff Option: select-returns-to-top off # add Bookmarks menu to Stations menu Option: bookmarks on # add the current station to the bookmarks Option: bookmark-on-long-select on Option: preset-confirmation-popup on Option: report-empty-presets on # show the clock whilst playing Option: clock-in-status-line on # limit to 4 icons (so they don't overwrite the clock) Option: lcd-icon-slots 4 # put the clock at horizontal middle (pixels) Option: status-line-clock-position 58 # give us back some treble - marvelous Option: deemphasis-frequency 0 # find network when powered up and then go to standby Option: acpoweron-state network # extra (continent) level of menus in Stations->Location Option: hierarchical-locations on # countdown sleep mins on track detail line - works #Option: #display-sleep-countdown #on # gradually reduce the volume in the last min before sleeping Option: sleep-timer-ramp-down on # make sleep timer easier to find when tired Option: sleep-timer-in-main-menu on # clock flashes 00:00 when unset Option: status-line-clock-flashes on # faster horizontal text scrolling speed Option: scroll-timeout-unzoom 160000 Option: scroll-timeout-zoom 160000 # delay before starting horiz text scroll # multiply this by scroll-timeout for the actual delay Option: scroll-delay 3 # show padlocks next to secured wifi Option: network-list-includes-wep-state on Option: wifi-sort-by-quality on # add wireless-standby/stay-connected option to network config menu (choose to disconnect wifi in standby) Option: wifi-standby-power-menu on Option: upnp-vendor-name Intempo Option: upnp-model-name GX01 Option: snooze-key BACK Option: snooze-duration 9
- Setting deemphasis off vastly improves the sound quality.
- The clock is enabled in the status line. The clock would not appear with 257-a-756-a-030 firmware but works on 257-a-756-a-238 and later.
- For scroll-timeout-* values, use a value which doesn't divide nicely into a second, otherwise there'll be a stutter when the track time updates. Increasing the horizontal scroll speed like this really improves usability. Anyone know how to speed up vertical scrolling (and the delay before it starts)?
- The clock position - If you choose to only have 24hr option, 46 will centre it. This value needs changing for 12hr. 58 is OK for both 12/24hr to work. This requires the icons spaces to be set to 4, to limit the number of icons.
- Mute now works both through speaker and line out.
- If the wifi standby is set to disconnected, it's unlear if any power is saved (the wifi led still flashes). Update - you need to add Option: wireless-ethernet-connector 2 Option: wireless-ethernet-pin 32 to actually power the wifi down. (GSUM)
By: Hovis
Ministry of Sound MOSAC150 (Radio ID: 1007)
Insert options into the existing hwconfig/config1007.txt. Put these after the current options, and they will override some of them.
# Vertical menus (I prefer this to single line browsing) Option: user-interface multi-line # 11steps14dB increases steps of bass and treble (this allows more bass but less treble (1400 rather than 1800)) # The default for this setting is cf1007 which sounds good and allows max treble (1800). # There's also '11steps' which is -1000 to +1000 for bass and treble, which is quite limiting. # conclusion - best to use the default cf1007! #Option: #bastreb-curve #11steps14dB Option: alarm-choice-dialogues on Option: number-of-alarms 5 # faster horizontal text scrolling speed Option: scroll-timeout-unzoom 160000 Option: scroll-timeout-zoom 160000 # delay before starting horiz text scroll # multiply this by scroll-timeout for the actual delay Option: scroll-delay 4 Option: adjustable-backlight on # reply button allows add/remove of current station in your Reciva list Option: reply-button-function on # add search to Stations menu Option: stations-substring-search on # better alarm options - not just the default buzzer Option: alarm-clock config1 # 12/24 hour selection Option: clock-format-menu on Option: preset-confirmation-popup on Option: report-empty-presets on # add Bookmarks menu to Stations menu Option: bookmarks on # add the current station to the bookmarks Option: bookmark-on-long-select on # add My History to My Stuff menu Option: stations-history on Option: history-size 20 # really useful Option: long-browse-press-clears-media-queue on # remove one track from queue - really useful Option: long-stop-deletes-track on # 5 min increments to sleep timer Option: sleep-timer-increment 300 Option: wifi-sort-by-quality on # find network when powered up and then go to standby Option: acpoweron-state network # show metadata for stations that transmit it Option: force-metadata on # instead of MOS Radio/Time in standby Option: clock-screen-format clock/date
- Menus are now vertical, two line - personal preference.
- there are 5 alarms and each can be weekly, weekdays only, etc. They can also be buzzer or a radio preset. The alarm button on the remote now takes you to the Clock-Setup menu rather than straight to the previous single basic alarm.
- faster horizontal scrolling text. The default of 1 second was way too slow.
- history and bookmarks
- The backlight is now adjustable for Active, Inactive, Standby (Configure menu). Never set Active to zero 8-).
- To watch the effect of changing bastreb-curve, watch config/audio.ini as you change the Eq. The values relate to the AD8356A Eq spec e.g. 1800 = +18db treble
By: Hovis
Comment by brassing:
- If you include
Option: pbch-report-enabled off
to suppress REAL ENABLED then it does work (i.e REAL ENABLED is suppressed) but a side effect is that the scroll-delay option has no effect. In this case the scroll delay seems fixed at about 1. [Reciva Radio App Version v589-a-950-a-236 Reciva Service Pack No. 257-a-756-a-212 Reciva Kernel Package Version. v24080902+00]
Bush (Radio ID: 1006)
This is all my configure files options.
It adds USB local files to be played (you need to connect a USB hub inside the radio).
Adjust clock to local timezone.
Use username/password for files on local network when scan for files (Radio reboot when to many files on local network or USB stick).
Add Equalisation in menu, but ajustment is not working.
Option: shift-behaviour 5presets Option: stereo-mode stereo Option: stereo-mode-menu off Option: upnp off # Enabel USB sticks ***start*** Option: usb-thumbdrive on Option: thumbdrive-power-connector 2 Option: thumbdrive-power-pin 30 Option: local-media on # Enabel USB sticks ***finish*** Option: force-metadata on Option: reply-button-function on # adds the menu option Equalisation under Configure, but # not able to change value with wheel. Stays on 0 bothe bass and treble. # light i Volume LED is on Option: aux-menu on Option: media-player on Option: scroll-timeout-unzoom 1000000 Option: scroll-timeout-zoom 1000000 Option: contrast-level 38 Option: contrast-config bush-recess Option: backlight-min 0 Option: backlight-max: 8 Option: backlight-multiplier: 4 Option: select-returns-to-top off Option: adjustable-backlight off Option: backlight-level-normal 31 Option: backlight-level-inactive 31 Option: backlight-level-standby 1 Option: dst-policy ec9 # Set local time zone # 10800 = 3 hours Option: default-user-timezone 10800 Option: standby-text My Radio Option: wifi-region europe # Radio will ask for username/password when # accessen local network to scan for files Option: advanced-file-sharing on Option: dynamic-mute on Option: back-as-menu-item on Option: presets-as-menu-items on # This enables an equalizer menu accessed with a long press of the Select button Option: long-select-action popup Option: pbch-report-enabled off # show time/date as: # 23:45 # 12 june 2009 # when radio is off Option: clock-screen-format clock/date
By k2teknik
Magicbox Imp / Acoustic Energy (Radio ID: 1019)
Insert options into the existing hwconfig/config1019.txt (just before the include keypad_alto.txt line) - do not simply replace the file.
The lcd-display-mode option should work on other radios with a graphic LCD display, it gives three lines of text rather than the standard two on the Imp, this makes it easier to navigate the menus.
#This can alsp be set on the reciva website; show mp3 track names Option: force-metadata on #Add a clock to the bottom of the screen Option: clock-in-status-line on #Set the horizontal position of the clock Option: status-line-clock-position 50 #Don't remember what this did, I've not used the alarm function #Option: #split-alarm-icons #on Option: user-interface multi-line #The following options are forced in my AE Radio by the config override #(DSCO_ConfigOverride.txt) but not in the Magicbox Imp: #Set three lines of text and space for clock on display, #this isn't standard on the imp and makes things look #a lot better. #Should work on other radios with a graphic LCD Option: lcd-display-mode 2 Option: reply-button-function on Option: clock-in-config-menu off Option: clock-24-hour off Option: clock-format-menu on Option: number-of-alarms 4 #Go to standby if power switched off/on while running Option: acpoweron-state network
More information on Config Override.
Working with v257-a-865-a-476
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